Exploring Sound Therapy for Brain Health

In this episode we talk with composer, Yuval Ron, about his collaborations with researchers, doctors and scientists, to create 40hz sound therapy for brain health to prevent dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic pain, and more.


Alves Junior, R., Freitas Borges, A. D. P., & Torres Blanch, G. (2022). Neuroscience of music and actions of music therapy in mental disorders: a systematic review. Saúde e Pesquisa, 15(4).

Thaut, M. H., Francisco, G., & Hoemberg, V. (2021). The clinical neuroscience of music: Evidence based approaches and neurologic music therapy. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 740329.

Vuust, P., Heggli, O. A., Friston, K. J., & Kringelbach, M. L. (2022). Music in the brain. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23(5), 287-305.


Yuval Ron Music

Kids Sanctuary – Metta Mindfulness Music
