About Us

This platform is for ALL registered Psychologists (Counselling, Educational, Clinical, Industrial) as well as Psychometrists and Registered Counsellors.  CPDPOD offers you access to Podcast episodes made up of a variety interviews with clinicians who have authored interesting books and/or articles. Each episode is about an hour long – and you can listen when in the car, in your office – wherever you go as you go. All that you need to do is fill in a short multiple-choice quiz, based on the content of the podcast, to earn your CPD points. On average, by listening to 1 podcast a month, and correctly completing the linked quizzes, you will have all the General AND Ethics CPD points you need for the year (30 CEUs)!

About the Host

My name is Penny Stopforth. I am a Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice. As Psychologists, we all need our annual CPD points for the year. But I have found these activities can often be expensive, time-consuming and/or not always relevant to me as a therapist. That’s why I have created CPDPod.